VBS 2024
July 15 - 19 2024
Registration is open for Camp Firelight, our summer Vacation Bible School! NEW DATES!!!! Camp Firelight will be held July 15-19 at First Church Sandwich, UCC. At Camp, we’ll join first-time camp Counselor Sam and Lumen, “Lu,” the lightning bug, for a summer adventure! We will learn to face our fears while trusting in God. We’ll learn timeless Bible stories showing how Old and New Testament Bible figures trusted God, faced their fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name.
As always, there will be music, drama and storytelling, games, arts and crafts, science, and even snacks. It’s a great way to practice trusting God no matter what situation life brings, knowing God is always with us, and feeling confident in God’s love through Jesus Christ.
Cost is $60 per student with a $120 maximum per family. Discounts will be applied automatically. Financial assistance available.