Third Sunday of Advent ~ WHAT CAN’T WAIT?…JOY

December 12, 2021 10:00 - 11:00am  |  The Grange Hall

85 Old County Road, East Sandwich, MA, USA

DELIGHT CAN’T WAIT (Joy can’t wait)

ISAIAH 35:1-10, LUKE 1:46B-55
Mary’s Magnificat shows us deep and holy joy—joy that trusts God’s promises of restoration, new beginnings, food for the hungry, and justice for the wronged. In Isaiah, creation sings with abundant
joy, blooming open like a crocus. What does it look like to delight in God’s goodness? How do we respond to God’s work in the world with joy? How can we be singers of joy?

As always worship services will be livestreamed at