Defining Faith: A “Confirmation” Program for Today
Defining Faith : A “Confirmation” Program for Today
Begins February 2 after worship
Whether you are a seasoned theologian or have no idea how or even why you might want to be, come together with your faith family to define your faith today. Who is God for you today? Who is Jesus? How does your faith inform your actions? How is this different from before now? People in grades 7-age 100+ are invited to join for 10 sessions and 5 “field trips” to help us understand our faith, and how it is similar or different to other faiths. We will be given an opportunity to define our faith, and express it either in an elevator pitch or an artistic rendering, and then to wonder together, “Now what?”
The program begins on February 2 (Sunday from 11:30-1pm) and concludes with a celebratory worship service on May 18. Cost is $35 per person and includes all materials.
Program dates:
Feb 2, 9, 23
March 2, 16, 30
April 6, 13, 27
May 4, 11